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Canine diet liquid - canine fare fluid

20-12-2016 à 07:15:19
Canine diet liquid
We have tried Wellness Simple and now have had him on California Naturals limited ingredient for a little over a month now but still needs baths regularly and seems itchy. I have always fed my dogs store bought food. My mom changed our dogs diet about 3 weeks ago. Will his aversion to the fishy smell be an issue with the Omega oil suppliments. I have ordered your supplements and plan to make the raw homemade dog food following your recipe. They supply vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, direct fed microbials and digestive enzymes. Our puppy is an Am Staff mixed with (we think) boxer. This looks great, the only thing is my dog is severely allergic to chicken. She eats all vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, ( corn, squash and yams) cooked. I know of at least one dog who was intolerant of beef but did very well on wild venison. We also use human grade ingredients, again not disgusting. Unfortunately, our current agricultural practices yield foods with a fraction of the nutrient content of wild counterparts. Many parrot owners will feed some milk thistle because it helps heal the liver. I have never had so many issues with my dogs health, since switching. Add 8oz. Try feeding her the yeast starvation dog food recipe. Hi Ed, I recently started making my own dog food. There are links to the supplements on the recipe page. First off, thanks for creating this great website. I believe his diet as well as his age are the problems. I have a dwarf Black Lab who has awful skin irritation. She is very allergic to many things but the main thing is fleas. Diet and Supplements (5 ) Multiple Supplements (5 ) ALL POSTS: HEART MURMUR. Try the chicken and rice dog food recipe, it is great for all ages of dogs. If the bones are uncooked dogs digest them without a problem. In addition we add cod liver oil to her food daily. I looked at the supplement and it looks good so it should be fine. Anyway, to get her through life, but more importantly through this period of incontinence post surgery, with less stool and fewer accidents, we are looking for low residue food. My question is if I give him the raw beef should I freeze it for 48 hours before giving it to him. Also there was no response on the organs and if ok to add in your recipe like Sondra said was ok, when does recipe become too rich for the dog. She weighs 13 lbs and should probably weigh closer to 9 lbs. White rice also does not cause a glycemic spike like other carbohydrates. To all those skeptical about raw fits, they really are wonderful for your dogs. He is now 4 months old and I was looking into feeding him home made dogfood. You may want to consider a meat grinder and feeding the recipes with ground chicken legs and thighs as an ingredient. Without using the starvation yeast recipe, would it be okay to just cut the rice in half, or eliminate it, to help him lose weight. I have found using whole food supplants is the best way to supply a nutritious diet. I will show it in action in a couple weeks. Anything is there anything I need to pay attention to what I am doing. Your puppy will grow nicely on this recipe. I have a question about the serving size and feeding frequency. Bethany in Customer Support said Venison, Turkey, and Chicken were OK. Hi Ed, my chihuahua is intolerant to beef, would it be acceptable to substitute ground turkey in this recipe. I would think that this is something that they would benefit from as well. I posted the easy cooked dog food recipe. My friend gives diatamaceous earth to her dog and cat. Dinovite makes a cat supplement but it has some fish oil in it. I am worried I am jumping the gun with considering switching him again. Hey thanks for your time and I greatly appreciate it. Thanks again, and my dog is loving his food. I think you are referring to the easy raw dog food recipe so I will answer in that direction. Sometimes she eats the long leaves of path side grass for a long time and refusses to continue walking by until she has had her fill. I recently read an article which based alot of the raw homemade dog food on lentils or beans, while including veggies cooked and also meats and bones. I use 1 tablespoon of Dinovite per cup of dog food. When I fed raw I would try to feed him (a 40lb dog) two whole chickens, which is about 4-6lbs of chicken (raw bones and all), so my dogs were not starving. You probably have fed this to your dogs a million times without a problem, otherwise why would you put it on here. The regular ground beef is what you want to use. The direct fed microbials in Dinovite can help support proper digestion and this can help with bad breath. There has been studies linking a zinc deficiency to dogs with generalized demodex. I would try the easy raw dog food recipe and see how she does. She has an extremely sensitive stomach and has been that way since we first got her at 4-weeks old. The chicken and rice dog food recipe is the most economical. Anyway, thanks, your site is kind of inspiring me to consider sticking to it and maybe finding better ways to make it work. Try to include fish oil for omega 3 fatty acids. I was reading up on the calorie intake for my dog and he should be getting about 1700 per day I was wondering if you know how many calories per cup are in this recipe. I am trying to find a proper diet for him. I recommend using stainless steel bowls because they are easy to clean. I have 2 dogs (25lb snorkie) and Puppy (8lb snoodle). I kind of shudder at commercial dog foods after all the efforts we have made. Will post any problems that come up if there are any. Actually they have found higher moisture content foods are best. Going forward stop feeding the chicken wings and pumpkin. Pregnant females kept their condition well and their milk was very nutritious. This raw dog food recipe can be halved or doubled to accommodate the size of your dog or for multi-dog households. No either mix it in the whole mix or add a little at each feeding. My older dog got extreme diarreah when new puppy arrived,probably stress. He would lie around and seemed to have very little energy. You have been very helpful and after reading I will be trying your recipes. Here is a link to some adopted dogs that need homes, click here to help. I was always told my dogs would fair better with hard kibble type food for their teeth if nothing else. The easy raw dog food recipe is approximately 450-500 calories per cup. She has been clear of the giarda for a couple months now and I have continued with the white rice and chicken and eliminated the Innova that I was feeding her. It was my first thought since I know how well it works in humans. Try feeding virgin coconut oil as a fat source because it will not aggravate his pancreas. How well is she doing on the current dog food. She is currently eating 6 cups of food a day and almost 80 pounds already. In short freezing the finished recipe for 48 to 72 hours will destroy any parasites. It has been 3 days and he has thrown up the food each time after about 5 hours. Is it safe for her to have the raw hamburger. she is 9 years old and has been experiencing seizure like episodes. The combination of kibble and raw usually results in digestive upset. The top remedy for this condition: Diet and Supplements (5 ). Do you think this will aid in calming her digestive track and reducing her flare-ups. I want to put her on natural and chemical free food and start supplements. He needs to loose about 5 lbs, and still sheds like mad. Keep in mind anything in dog food was not fit for human consumption. I have cooked for him plus my other 3 dogs for many years. Cooking does destroy many delicate vitamins and minerals. I take one out and let it thaw on my counter. A little travel cooler will work great for you. I make it by the gallons for my dogs and they love it. Eliminate the fish oil and add eggs with omega 3. How would you adjust this recipe for a puppy. Just feed your dogs the homemade dog food. Then I removed the white rice because it shows up in his poop undigested. Store the containers of raw dog food in your freezer. I would feed the easy cooked dog food recipe and switch him over before the surgery. I would have thought she would have loved the raw recipe. Have you had any experience with a dog with pancreatitis. I am giving cooked chicken livers as treats. This dog food recipe eliminates carbohydrates and helps dogs shed excess fat. Lots of worries bt still feeding the raw chix:) Any advice is appreciated. She has eaten strictly raw meet, no grains, for over a year. How early do you recommend starting a dog on the raw food. It is also nice to know you can freeze the recipe. I onlyg ive a chicken wing in the early morning then the raw mixure in the evening. Hi, is it okay to alternate between a raw diet and cooked, or should I just stick to one or the other. Prepare yourself for a slow process it often looks worse before it get better. The old school of though on kidney problems was to reduce protein. This shows that most of the dog food is being digested. Thanks for all the information on your site. He has regained his weight and in about the same time period he lost it. Without the supplements the raw dog food recipe would need an additional 10 to 20 ingredients. Before I even found your web site I began to suspect food allergy. I purchased a meat grinder and have used it to grind chicken legs and thighs. Their stools were good and they grew nicely. My dogs love veggies and will even eat green beans right from my hand. I plan on demonstrating this procedure in a future post. When we went to the lake we brought some and made some while we were on vacation. This dog food recipe is also very nutritious for your dog. I have made the leap into feeding him the easy raw recipie. The raw dog food recipe has a high moisture content. These dog food recipes are highly nutritious without cheap fillers that are generally the cause of high ash content. Try feeding your cat the yeast starvation dog food recipe because it does not contain carbohydrates so your cat should do fine. ( the rwa food recipe) I still added the vitamines) He is off kibble completely. The dogs weighed around 30 each give or take. The Supromega fish oil does not contain Salmon it is made from Menhaden. Dogs will not benefit from oatmeal like a herbivore or omnivore. This dog food recipe does not contain any grains. In short, adjust the serving size of raw dog food depending on your dogs age, weight and activity level. Just wanted to ask a few questions, add some info, and maybe get some feedback. When we reach our destination, usually family, we just put the tupperware in the refrigerator. Skip a day and make sure no one else is feeding them. I plan on posting more complex recipes in the future but it all takes time. If so, yes you are going to give your dog a nutritional deficiency. Yes, you can mix the supplements into the whole batch and free, this is what I do and it seems easier. We have a 35 lb male boston-boxer and a 65lb female boxer. I want to thank you for your effort and information. Have you ever tried Quinoa instead of rice. She does not vomit the grass along with bile like my previous dogs have done. I will post some treat recipes in the future. My Boston terrier Charlie love them and is super healthy. Dogs with kidney problems generally benefit from dog food with a high moisture content and no chemical fillers. Also, considering you live on a farm you may want to invest in a good meat grinder. I ordered the supplements online, the pet store and feed store do not carry the specific brands. Try feeding lean meats and whole ground eggs with the shell. I am encouraged by your teaching of raw, whole food diet for dogs. It explained all the harmful things in it and that only. The cost of Ground Beef has been ridiculous. My first question is, everything I have been taught about the raw diet states how important it is to feed organs to your dog. Measure out 3 cups and see about how big a portion it is. The odd part is sometimes it fills six 8 cup storage containers. She is eager and eats it and never gets sick. Start off with about a half cup, see how she does then slowly increase. I found without the rice I could not keep an ounce of fat on the dogs. A heart murmur can be indicative of a number of illnesses: anemia, hyperthyroidism, heartworm, heart valve failure, heart inflammation, and the narrowing of veins and arteries. The product is Dermatrix essentials by Kala Health, web site. Just want to make sure Im on the right track and fully understand your recipe and how your able to do without bones, organs and adding so much rice. NOTE: Remember you are handling raw meat so use common sense when making, storing and serving this raw dog. I have been feeding him Vital Essentials frozen raw patties. Plan on feeding them once per day in the morning. Most Popular Remedies: View Most Popular Remedies Table. I hate to see her hungry, and she had not eaten her kibble in a couple of days before we started. We have tried different shampoos, oil, and supplements, but nothing has given her any relief. My vet recommended lower ash food for my lab after she recently got a urinary tract infection. Anyway, my main question is how young can our pup be starting the raw food diet. Water should be available to your dog during the fast. I recently watched a video on commercial dog food. He has been on dry puppy food and I want to start him off right with your cooked recipe. The vegetable nutrients our covered by the supplements so there is no need to add them to the dog food recipe. I am trying to post more recipes and informative articles and should have them up soon. old neutered Korean Jindo who, besides being finicky (like most Jindos) has had all kinds of digestive upset. If so, after she hits the optimum weight slowly increase her portion till she stops losing weight. I think you will have the best results without carbohydrates. Because of this, I estimated the cost for my girls for an entire year. Also, I have read that buying pre-ground meat to serve animals raw is risky because the meat becomes contaminated in the grinding process. That said, carbohydrate content can be easily adjusted with these dog food recipes. It sounds like you are doing some great work. Milk thistle is good to help the liver heal. All dogs will benefit from a better diet. The portion will slowly increase as he grows. I have a question, I have on order the lick o chops and the dynovite. I like to feed the legs and thighs and my dogs do well eating them. What about raw offal, such as liver and kidney, do you recommend them. Also, how much do we need to feed him daily. She recently purchased the dinovite vitamines and licochops to be added in there future feedings. We are also thinking of trying accupuncture for her incontinence, but are getting a lot of eye rolls from people we mention it to. ) Click here for this supplement. I hated that she is on these Meds because the bad side effects. They also have him on Denamarin and I put him on Standard Process, Canine Hepatic Support. Are the supplements expensive that you have to add to the food. I add one to two cups of Dinovite per batch. We have a 3 year old, part black lab, part collie. I started my 4 year old Boston on this recipe 6 months ago. NOTE: In an effort to simplify the raw dog food recipe I have incorporated the use of supplements. It seemed to help reduce the itchiness a little. Dogs get into garbage and all sorts of germs stuff on a daily basis. The Standard Process Supplement has milk thistle in it. I give her kibble and want to make the switch because I started to see her hair fall out a lot. Can I substitute chicken breast for the beef. I know that with liver disease in humans they want to cut down on the protein. I am also a mother of 3 toddlers, wife and care giver of over 30 animals. I have four dogs and they are competitive eaters, voracious. One was so skinny that his spine was showing. I was going to cook one of the patties( I froze them in cup patty portions) and see if that helps. Do you think this will help or do you have any suggestions for bad breath. The vet recommended a special diet for his heart and also to lose weight. If you mix them in the entire batch try mix it well through out the dog food recipe. If we was to breed her would she need anything extra. Can I use those instead of what you recommended. Yes, you can substitute barley for rice or eliminate the rice altogether. She was coughing badly, she had little energy, and looked very frail. As time goes on I will flesh this site out with more advanced dog food recipes but shooting them is very time consuming. This site is a work in progress and requires a huge amount of my time. I am confused as to hard kibble versus soft meaty food. View this dog food recipe by clicking here. I would not recommend combining raw dog food and kibble. I was considering adding more salmon, sardines and other fish parts to the meats. I plan on posting this method and recipe soon. Rapid diet changes can cause vomiting and diarrhea. My dog is a mini Schnauzer and daschund mix and on walks she often stops to eat grass. The Vet told my wife and I not to feed her any fat. If you are going to feed the easy cooked dog food recipe then you will just blend them shell and all in the blender. 80% meat, 10% bone, 10% organs. It could be a variation in food density between the chicken wing and the ground beef. Can you give me some suggestions as to what to feed him. She is a spayed female and weighs 22 lbs. Sodium is one of the minerals animals seek out and eat in the wild. Try one of the dog food recipes on this site they have worked for many dogs. I fed 40 plus dogs and puppies a raw dog food mixture for years with great results. Would it be ok to add some veggies into this recipe. If so, start off with the easy cooked dog food recipe, click here to view. The cups are approximate and usually depends on the recipe and how much rice is added. Keep in mind dogs have a short digestive system and do not effectively digest vegetables. All the ingredients are readily available and easy to mix and prepare. I have been trying to put a routine together with chix wings, hearts, gizzards and a few veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots. 5 cups. Click here to view the yeast starvation dog food recipe. I searched google for a cheap cooked recipe and that is how I found your site. My puppies first meals have been raw meat dog food recipes. She was having issues with puppy kibbles being too much for her so our vet suggested switching her to adult kibbles. Just one flea on her can have her scratching and chewing for says. I have grain free recipes one is the yeast starvation dog food recipe. My little Terrier is 13 and has an enlarged heart. We have a 9-year old Havanese that has always been a picky eater, and she throws up several times per month. Horses do well on oats because oats are in the grass family. How much can we expect to spend per month feeding them a raw diet. Is that much grain in a carnivours diet really right for them. Dogs metabolize fat well and the fat will help keep their skin healthy. I have looked at the contents of ground beef and one of the ingredients is sodium. I would feed the chicken leg thigh quarters raw. You can click here to view this dog food recipe. Do not feed this raw dog food recipe without Dinovite. A very good dog shampoo is Dogosuds, it is gentle and soothing. Your recipe uses raw beef as a main ingredient, what are your thoughts on this. I like using fish oil because it is consistent and easy to measure. Click here to view the cooked dog food recipe and see the video. I started him on your raw recipe 3 days ago. I have done research and am considering a raw diet. What is the protein content of your raw food diet. You can add the supplements daily or mix them into the entire batch. Im looking to start feeding my dogs homemade dog food. There is an enzyme in the egg white that binds with the B vitamin biotin. How do you keep it fresh outside of getting a motel with a kitchen and mixing some midweek. If you use the dinovite liquid I would add 1 tube to the mix. Will this be a tough adjustment on his bowels. After you do it a few time it becomes second nature. You can add organ meat to it if you like. Cottage cheese: you can add a tablespoon or so to a meal. You can swap out an equal amount of sweet potatoes or eliminate them altogether. I would let the rice cool then add the supplements. I love the idea of making all the food for my dog. Include the bone stock to add the calcium back into the recipe. I was told to keep him on a low protein diet. If the dog is very old, no teeth or some other severe health problem then I would cook the bones until they dissolve in a soup stock then serve. My second concern is that I was told by a fellow raw-foodist that ground beef can contain a parasite, from where it was handled so much to process, and that you should leave it in your freezer for 3 months to kill the parasite. Dinovite Liquid dog supplement contains a highly absorbable form of zinc called zinc methionine that has a very high absorption rate. The vet has researched the problem and they do not have any explanation. We are just starting the Zero Carb -Dinovite with Supromega, beginning with the 24 hour fast this evening. My vet would perfer I feed a prescription diet, but I would never feed my dogs hard kibble out of a bag made under conditions I know nothing about. He threw up the actual chunks of the raw ground beef mixure all 3 times( was gross). 5 cups in the morning before we leave for work and the rest at 5pm when we get home. I would feed the puppies ground up raw chicken, bones, white rice and supplements for their first meal. Sometimes it is a little foreign to them at first. Special Note: The whole process takes 8 days when you include the 24 hour fast. Heart murmur in cats can stunt the growth of kittens. Please follow this introductory method, your dog will be fine. If you switch him over now he will have time to adjust and also get the benefit of a better dog food. He was diagnosed with mange and we have been persuing natural tactics to clear it up. While only the prescribed Meds, she still did not want to eat and each meal was a fight to get the food down. Then it mentions the powder and lick o chops (again) to add to the food. Our dog (Tara) is a 25Kg cross standard poodle and golden retreiver. I have two border collie mixes with BIG appetites. Use white rice not brown because it is more easily digested by your dog. My 12 year old lab mix is constantly scratching and now he has started chewing on his rear end. You can buy some capsules at a health food store. Importing would require an import licence which is too much hassle. Question: Know of any supplement company in Canada that would have similar products. I think I would start her out on about 3 cups of food per day. Coconut oil does not effect her pancreas and supplies healthy medium chain fatty acids. Most people start with chicken from what I understand. After discovering this website, I plan on switching my dogs over to the raw recipe and seeing how they like it. She gives him one raw chicken wing in the morning and has him eat it outside on patio. How do we know when and how much to increase his meals as he grows. The bacteria on their faces can be a source of contamination. Yes, fasting for 24 hours is the best thing to do to help limit digestive upset. I have started puppies on raw dog food for their first feeding. Scarcoptic is like fleas or lice and can spread. The Vet recommend we take her to a cardiologist, and the cardiologist immediately put her on Vetmedin, Benazepril, Furosemide, and Spironolactone. When I make a batch I usually end up feeding one container before freezing. Oatmeal: is an acceptable carbohydrate but keep in mind dogs are primarily carnivores. Then start off slow with small portions of the new homemade dog food. I will have a chicken recipe in the future. It sounds like you are throwing too many diet changes at your dogs. The cooked dog food recipe has a video that shows the supplement and how to serve it to your dogs. For additional fat feed extra virgin coconut oil. The stool exam was negative for whatever it is they look for. I came across an article on Pug Village about what commercial dog food is actually made from as well as the other equally unpalatable ingredients that can be found it. Hi Ed, I have been reading your correspondence for some time now and have taken the plunge and changed our dog to a homemade diet based on your recipe. It seems it is alomost half of the recipe and rice is obviously a grain. Then later I cooked up the ground beef mixure I have already mixed. I personally prefer the freezer containers because they are easy to fill, thaw and serve the raw dog food. I just found out my basset is allergic to practically everything, including white rice, brown rice, wheat, corn, salmon, salmon oil, and the list goes on. I fed them each a chicken leg and thigh and a bowl of cooked cool white rice with Dinovite. Vet told us she has acid reflux, but I wondered if it were her commercial food. Instinctively I removed the grain free kibble from his diet. Then its all ground up and added to whatever. Let us know what you try from Earth Clinic to treat heart murmurs in pets. I use regular alphapha sprouts that I mix with Zuccini, yellow squash, carrots, parsaley, apples, blueberries and celery. Some of the other raw diets stress using a large variety of both muscle meat and organs. He loves it and his stool is now solid and formed, so that is fantastic. I am wondering why you do not use vegetables and if veggies are used, would it still be necessary to use the supplements you mentioned. Most people are dropping over by dog germs. The yeast starvation dog food will produce the least amount of stool give it a try. Our 13 year old black lab mix was diagnosed with senior vertigo. You can substitute the chicken for beef, it will be fine. when making the food. He just started a KD only diet and hates the food. I am also up for somthing easier to tell our customers that still feed the average comercial pet food. I have a question of whether it is better for these problems to include the rice in the recipe or to leave it out. This nasty stuff is in food at school cafeterias and in the grocery stores, and companies dont have to tell you that pink slime is in your food. In fact they digest them far better than kibble. In fact we are going to use human multivites and minerals as the pet ones are so very expensive here in Malaysia in comparison. The recipe you are referring to is the easy raw dog food recipe. If you would like to view information on Lickochops dog supplement click here. Use the same precautions you would use when handling raw meat for your family. I will post a chicken recipe in the future. Where can you find the supplements listed in the ingredients. We had to actually give it to her somewhat frozen to mask the smell a bit at times when we failed to freeze the meat immediately after purchasing it. Yes, studies have proved that the calcium in egg shell is highly absorbable. Watch the easy cooked dog food recipe video. Since she is overweight what do you think best for her, and how much. Was wondering if you had any homemade recipes that you would suggest for my Yorki. With kidney disease you are suppose to limit protein as it is hard for the kidneys to process. That way I know what is in it and that it is HEALTHY food for her. Or feed the cooked chicken and rice dog food recipe. I do grind them up because I have some small dogs and dogs with missing teeth. I was wondering, when feeding your dog the raw food recipes, do you need to clean out their bowls daily in case of e-coli. Yes, you can mix before packaging The only problem is smell. My experience has been very good feeding homemade dog food to puppies. I have a question about freezing the meals. I just received my order of LickoChops and Dinovite. Thank you for this excellent site and for sharing your knowledgable. Fast your dog for 24 hours before starting this diet. I might add that he is still himself (goes crazy when someone comes in, tells us what he wants, goes nuts when it thunders, runs around, typical Jack). Dogs with demodectic mange have been found to be zinc deficient. I wondered the same thing so today I contacted Dinovite today before coming here. He also loves cheddar cheese (we use it for obedience training). I have two small mini dachshies, one a little over weight and one perfect for her size. What about a pregnant dog does she need anything extra. You can feed the beef version or cut up and roast a turkey. Can I use ground venison instead of beef. I will be interested in reading any feedback on the above topics. Are you are feeding boiled chicken meat and white rice alone. Now I see you recommend the easy cooked diet. I have shot a dog food recipe with sweet potatoes but have not posted it yet. I just found your site and wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge. Bella got overly excited to see me come home. I am a full time undergrad, I work part time, and I care very much about the help of my pups, but I do have to be frugal at this point in time. I have a chicken and rice dog food recipe. Bella thankfully pulled through what I later found out was a fainting spell. Do you suggest any less expensive supplement alternatives, (brands). Also, with the raw diet, is it necessary after the initial preparation to freeze before serving. The first day she ate a very small amount. The only issue that I had with raw feeding was that my two males would hardly gain weight, my female gains weight easily on both. My dog Charlie has eaten the raw dog food recipe his entire life and has the whitest teeth with no tartar. Both are over weight and my Lab always has ear infections. Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has just been diagnosed with early kidney disease. This does not sound like it has any merit. We did not feed her ground beef because we tried it and it made her ill. Been looking for something healthier for my dog. It seems that the level of rice( grain ) is almost half of your recipe. I have a rescued 5 yr. My best advice wis to feed the dog food recipe as stated with the supplements listed. Thank you for posting the Easy Raw dog food recipe, along with the important info about the vitamins and omega 3s and 6s. My husband and I have adjusted our diets and are now eating healthy and we want the same for our collie. Perhaps, I will put in ten more years, call it a day then hop on a boat and try my hand at sailing:). I have found that the dogs did poorly without it. The recipe above says that it makes 48 cups, but in a response to a question on March 20th you said it made 35 cups. In the recipie it says to add a full tube of lick o chops, and does not mention the powder. It seems very healthy to me and I like the fact that the supplements take the place of veggies. They are gorgers and fasters by design, so it works well for them. The supplement Dinovite will help with the grass eating. The lickochops you can bring or premix in the recipe. If your dogs vomit the two to three tablespoons of food, they could have a blockage. My 5 month old puppy who I thought was doing ok on the same diet had very bad diareah at 3am and 5am. When i get my puppy from the breeder he will be on whatever they feed thier dogs. You might also try some form of game such as venison or bison. He went down to 15 lbs from his regular 20. I have been feeding her some of our food, (small amount of meat, veggies like broccoli, sweet potato, and adding a small handful of the dry on top. To view my page on parasites in raw meat click here. Dogs will also do very well on this dog food recipe. Do you know what caused the the liver and kidney failure. He seemed to do fine on it however he weighs a healthy 110lbs and eats 8 cups of food daily (4cps 2X a day). Make sure to follow the introductory method to limit digestive upset.

I am a firm advocate of raw feeding for dogs but from everything that I have read, books like Raw Meaty Bones by Dr. No treats. What is the difference in feeding raw egg and hard boiling them. He was already taking Dinovite so having it incorporated into his food is great. The 25 lb dog gets 1 cup of easy raw mixure and the 10 lb dog gets 1\2 cup of the same. No but if at any time you are feeding anything questionable freezing for 48 hours kills the parasites. Ash is what is left over if the dog food were incinerated. Click here to view the freeze dried treats. The yeast starvation dog food recipe has the rice removed and uses fish oil instead of Lickochops. Click here to view Lickochops omega fatty acid dog supplement. The chicken and rice dog food recipe may be an option. I fed a kennel of about forty dogs raw dog food for years. I am tired of the commerical dogfood, but all homemade recipes are much more expensive. I was afraid of not supplying enough vitamines and nutrients. I found your site and think I could easily make the recipes. the chicken was introduced a few weeks ago and I have only seen positive results, such as whiter teeth and softer coat. My question is about clarification on the yield amount for the Easy Raw Food Recipe. Our dog is still incontinent after an anal sacculectomy (7 weeks post surgery). The Vet told me that she would have maybe 6-12 months to live and that she might require full time oxygen treatments to make her more comfortable and not to let her get excited at all as sudden death was a possibility. It has been my experience that supplementing is always a good idea. I plan on posting this method in two or three weeks. If she is overweight then try feeding her the yeast starvation dog food. One day she will eat kibble next chicken, frozen, canned but nothing lasts. I guess not a strict vegetarian since you are feeding meat. He went to the vet and after blood work and an ulrtasound, they only know that his liver enzymes are around 4000. I have even blended up lettuces and mixed with the meat. She has regular check ups at the Vet and nothing is necessarily wrong with her-she just has a sensitive digestive track. Eggs are hardboiled to destroy the enzyme in egg whites that prevents biotin absorption. I shot a couple new videos and will post them soon. Also most dogs are switching to these recipes from kibble dog foods. I have never read anything additional about that they suggest like freezing to kill parasites maybe they should add this info when saying this is safe to feed our dogs. Puppies seem able to make a more rapid transition. I believe my 50 pound dog has allergies to the dry food we have been feeding her, as she is itchy, stinky and chewing the fur on her behind. I am on the fourth day of the ground beef (raw) recipe. I think with her health issue this is the best diet for her, and my other dogs will be on it too. You can introduce the diet and see what happens. She will probably eat between 4-6 cups of food per day. My guess is they will eat 3-4 cups of food each per day. Feed the dog food recipe without the rice. I see such a difference in them with homemade foods. The process of chopping up the meat in portions and freezing it is a lot of work. Mixing kibble and homemade dog food usually leads to digestive upset. I have an almost three month old English Mastiff. Am looking for a food that will help prevent the stones from forming. Click here for a good article on the role of protein and kidney disease. I cook for them and my chihuahua does not like beef. I have two dogs that weigh about 50 lbs each. I hope so. Supromega is made from Menhaden fish and preserved with vitamin E. The rice is added to help ease the transition from kibble and make it affordable. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil can help. He seems to be hungry after eating the 1. Mastiffs tend to gulp their food and can swallow bones whole. Also at 50 pounds for a puppy what are your feeding portion recommendations. I stay away from kibble it actually causes tartar build up. The egg shell will dissolve in the stomach acid. Wondering if you have already address this, you could direct me. If not it could led to a biotin deficiency. They started a couple of years ago and were only 1 time a year, now they are happening more often. I spoke with a lady from your company and she said it is ok the add in the organs, but Im concerned on where the too rich of a diet comes in when doing that. If you plan on feeding vegetables makes sure you cook them then blend them in a blender. Should I not be mixing raw an holistic kibble. He is 8 yrs old and hypo thyroid and has just lost 20 lbs and is 3 to 5 lb of his ideal weight. Is there anything wrong with adding Raw Milk Yogurt to the raw dog food recipe. Your stuffy will do well eating this dog food recipe. This was a long story to say that I started thinking it might be best to give him human grade food. I feed a large number of dogs in the business Im in and I am definately up for easier and quicker prep but not in the case of lowering their nutrition. I have a very itch dog and he is constantly chewing on the front of his leg. If your dog is gaining weight on the serving size then cut back a little. I am wondering about the fat content in the ground beef. So, I have been considering a raw food diet for our new puppy and wondering now if I should include the picky cat also. Cats like to eat very fresh food it could be an aversion to rancidity of fats. Chicken bones from leg quarters and other parts that contain small bones nothing too big to handle. I have found feeding dogs the raw dog food reduces vet visits. We have been feeding our labrador retriever raw for over a year. My dogs love yams, peas, string beans, potatoes, collard greens, spinach, carrots, etc. Fifty pounds on a bulldog is about the right weight, no. I think prepare a nutritious meal a person will feed to their dog. You may want to consider a meat grinder that cant grind chicken up bones and all. They have been severly itchy (no fleas either), their anal glands fill up often, their teeth have so much plaque, their poop smells 100 times worse, their coats have become rough, my four-year-old female has started to go gray on her muzzel, and they shed more. Start off even slower, 2-3 tablespoons day one and see how they do. You can try the chicken and rice dog food recipe and see how she does. In this case I grind the meat and bones so the young puppies can eat the food. The dog supplements I recommend are all made in the USA. He has only had hard dog food his entire life with no human food. I was wondering what the differences would be if you used ground deer. It is not available in my town and expensive online due to shipping. Switching between raw dog food and cooked chicken does not seem to be a problem. I will post some chicken dog food recipes that are even cheaper. My first two recipes are easy and nutritious to help people take the leap into feeding a homemade dog food. Somthing to make raw diet easier for the pet owner. Tom Lonsdale, say it is not safe to mix cooked and raw together. Try the yeast starvation recipe, your cat will do well on their food. Ed says the recipe yields from 35 to 48 cups, I averaged it to 40. If you feed venison and it is lean make sure you add the Lickochops for good fatty acids. Is this a treatment you would recommend for her with what I describe. Your dog cannot survive on a diet void of fat. The extra bone really helps maintain proper growth. If the dog is small or a puppy I grind them in a blender and then serve the raw bones. I worry about the juices from the raw chicken on the dogs face, can it contaminate my family when we love up the dogs. I really wish I could go back to feeding raw. Check out the yeast starvation dog food recipe it is grain free. She will eat the dry in order to get to the people food which is less than half cup. When we travel we bring some in a cooler. Yes, these recipes would be great for your pug. We have tried all types of food-soft, dry, prescription. I like to mix the supplements into the whole batch. Thanks so much for your raw recipe and words of advice. I suspect that is the same with dogs, but the Royal Canin food is a waste of money. Kind of you to take the time out of what must be a busy schedule. Hi, my 8 year old Boxer is going for dental surgery in a few weeks and will have to go on a soft food diet for a couple weeks post-op. So I did. I will be starting our dogs on the easy raw diet. As I mentioned I would cook the remainder of what I have to see if that helped. I switch between raw and cooked dog food recipes without any problems. As the new food goes trough her system she will come to love it. The cocker may do the best on the yeast starvation dog food recipe. It actually looks pretty easy, but I thought the whole idea of giving raw bones was to force the dog to chew, therefore good jaw exercise and teeth health along with all the nutrients. I ix in 1 to 2 cups of dinovite powder per batch of food. I fed my dogs raw for 4 years, without any problems, but I stopped six months ago because of the expense. I appreciate any help in feeding my puppies the best and healthiest foods possible. The raw diet is probably a good idea because it is around 70% water. The supplements are essential and kept me from any vet visits. That said, his pancreas has trouble with excess fat. I do not give them onion, garlic and sugar. Click here to view the Dinovite Liquid dog supplement. She was on a raw hamburger and rice meal before she came to me, so now I will put her back on it. We have been big on feeding the natural raw diet whitch we order through a co-op also in central IN. Dogs do best on a meat and bones based diet. I use to cook for my yellow lab but I came to this country and they told me better to feed him with only dry dog food. If your dog starts to gain weight cut back and if he loses weight feed a little more. If we are in a hurry in the morning and leave with out eating he will get sick. Now that I have a good recipe for her meals I need a recipe for treats for good behavior and training. Her kibble was always out, so this will involve some retraining for her too. Recently she had giarda and was treated by our vet with antibiotics. Recently he started scratching himself, licking his paws, biting at his dew claws and has a very itchy ear. Hi, I am considering trying this out for my 11 year old bassett hound. This type needs to be treated with pesticide. It seemed cruel but Ed said add or subtract the amount of food according to their weight gain or loss, but still one meal a day. Dogs are not obligate carnivores like cats so they can digest simple carbohydrates like white rice. At the time the chicken was 30 to 40 cents per pound. I want to make her food and your site is just a fantastic thing. Your dogs are both large and if big for their breed might be considered giant. It is important to follow this procedure to limit digestive upset. This dog food recipe is nutritious and often the first step people take into preparing homemade dog food. The supplements I recommend work well and for small and medium dogs are not too expensive. It also contains natural source vitamin E. Is it possible the elevated liver enzymes were caused by his original kibble or does your vet suspect disease. Yes, it sounds like his system is just adjusting to the new food. I will post more recipes as time permits. Think of it as medicine or an apple a day to keep the vet away. Not all fish are great sources of omega three. It appears to be more important to feed foods with a high water content, like raw meat. The two supplements I recommend truly simplify the recipe. The easy raw dog food recipe is a great place to start. My husband thinks I have poisoned the dogs so you have to help me fix this:) Thanks so much for your assistance. By adding the supplements, the dog receives all the necessary nutrition right. We fed him a leftover chicken breast from dinner last night and he ate it up. Thank you so much for posting this information, it is very helpful. I do have a few questions, and I hope you can answer them for me. You can feed this recipe every day your dog will love it. I will present more advanced dog food recipes in the future. The reason that I am turning to homemade is to avoid all of the scares in the media about poisons and such. You can also add some organic coconut oil to her diet. This dog food recipe is easy to make and very nutritious. We have been feeding him blue buffalo food, which he was liking and suddenly stopped eating. As far as serving sizes goes, I would just watch his weight and adjust as needed. Thank you for this great website and any advice you have. The vet reccomended to put her on a boiled chicken and white rice diet. The vet wants him on no-grain and low fat. View this dog food recipe by clicking here. On the new diet, after only two weeks, her skin problems are rapidly clearing and she is a much happier and lively dog. So ultimately a modified version could be fed to your dog. They come to me at all ages, from 2 weeks old to seniors, and with all sorts of health problems. I would hate to throw away the obvious benefits of feeding her such a rich and healthy diet. You may want to skip the fast but break his feeding into five or six small portions throughout the day. A good source is Supromega fish oil, click here to view. The dinovite liquid is in single serve packets so you can take as many as you need. ). This is why I am asking why so much rice and I think you answered the rice is to help switch over to the raw diet in this case do you eventually ween them off the rice. He was getting up on his own, and even started to jump a little when we would pull into the driveway. Do you suggest keeping it the same or adding variety. I looked at the ingredients in Science Diet and was amazed at that crap. When we got off the road, his weight slowly went up. You also say stay away from grains and high carbs. I plan on posting a cooked version this week. It is good to hear you are making the leap:). In your recipe there is no mentioning of organs. For your convenience click here if you would like to view information on Dinovite liquid dog supplement. When we mix these recipes we give approximate amounts. I really wanted to make him cooked food but read your raw food recipe and was intrigued. Can the Dinovite be added and mixed into to the 10 lbs ground beef, eggs, rice mix, etc. Do you think switching to this raw food diet will help solve those problems for her, and how much would you recommend feeding an 80 pound puppy with high energy and a rapid growth rate. I also made him plain white rice earlier ( on the day he threw up) and gave a cup of pumkin. Pink slime is all the parts unfit for human consumption that are put threw a machine that separates muscel and tissues from the bones and cartiledge and they add ammonia, because they worry about bacteria. Have not seen any questions for you on this. She has always made too much poo for a 25 lb. She has been on a sweet potato and fish kibble diet after struggling with poultry and lamb based foods as a puppy (diarreah). Thank you for the recipe, and for answering my questions. I was wondering if you mix it up for your dogs, or do they eat the same meal everyday. Our dog has arthritis in his hips and was beginning to lose his vision. Question: I am looking for a healthy alternative of food for my Pug. Formulating and tweaking their diets for optimum health. I am looking forward to trying your easy raw recipe. Dogs have a difficult time digesting vegetables because they are carnivores. It is never a good idea to change too many variables at one time. We are going to have some testing done in about 2 weeks, but I want to start her diet now so I can see if there will be any change in her episodes. My little dog Stinky who is in the video had a blockage when she was younger. As I understand it, dogs need a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. Maybe with a meat grinder that you could add bone to and everything (the bone is a crucial part of the diet), and with added rice, we may be able to sustain feeding our dog(s) raw. Of course I would still give her the supplements. Big dogs, well they just cost more all around. I guess the difference is that you are saying to crush the bones. I use tupperware containers to store the finished dog food. Why is it a problem that the enzyme in the egg white binds with B vitamin Biotin. The scabs have started to clear up with no new ones appearing. I just recieved the supplements dinovite and lickochops. It would be easier to add when mixing than at feeding time. The dog food recipes on this site contain highly digestible proteins that a very good for your dog. You could actually just cook the whites of the egg and be fine. This included puppies, young adults, breeders and older dogs. Your dog will be small so everything you do will be on a smaller scale. I have dogs that seem to have a higher calorie requirement and these dogs benefit from the cooked white rice. I took my almost 1yr old rescue dog to the vet for gastrointestinal distress (frequent and stinky gas). My Border collie Jet is like this, she seems to do better with the Dinovite powder than the liquid. I think either the easy raw or cooked dog food recipe will work fine. A concern I have about the raw food, what about when you travel on a week road trip. At this point it might make sense to get a meat grinder and grind up the beef heart and chicken (seperately) instead of trying to chop it all up and portion it out. That said, there are many people who will not feed raw for various reasons. Thank you for your fabulous recipe and advice. Would the raw food diet benifit the mange in any way. If your dog is losing a little weight eating the raw dog food and this is not desired, increase the amount you are feeding. However, all these recipes require the addition of the nutritional supplements or they will be deficient. They had me change his food (from Before Grain or Canadae) to Royal Canin Hepatic with cottage cheese for protein. He was a dangerously underweight 28 pounds when I got him from the shelter (he should be around 40) so I was very focused on getting a few pounds on him. Wash them daily with some hot water and dish soap. If you like you can click here to view my easy cooked dog food recipe. Place 2-3 days worth of raw dog food in zip lock bags or plastic freezer containers. Share your thoughts with our readers Write a review. If you do, cook them till they are mushy before feeding. We have an amazing Great Dane puppy (Drako) who is 7 months old and approx 80lbs. You can cook the meat a bit if that helps but at least feed it on the rare side. Ask when your store marks down their meat. The Dinovite supplies 60 plus trace minerals, live direct fed microbials and host vitamins. I would recommend a dog food high in moisture content. Dinovite makes a cat supplement that you should substitute for the dog supplement. You can continue to use the oral care product but I think you will find these dog food recipes promote clean teeth. I can recommend a great commercial treat that is made of freeze dried beef. This would be very hard for me to do without a lot more information. I am picking up our newest addition to our canine family this friday- siberian husky boy. Before we switched her to home cooked food she was on a fish based kibble diet and developed skin problems. For his later feeding she is using your easy raw dog food recipe about a cup, he is about 22lbs. I guess I will just add a little but not totally replace the white rice. If you are using the Dinovite powder add 1-2 cups of the powder. Try and feed the raw bones along with the chicken. To recap, I have a twelve year old Jack Russell who was losing weight. Hello, I am wantint to switch my Newf over to raw, however I know when he misses a meal he throws up bile and then starts to eat grass. He has not had a bm since yesterday morning, is that a common reaction. Do you think you could help me estimate the cost of feeding him that way. I feel I need to give more of the Omega fatty suppliments which is why I was looking on the internet. I am assuming you know all the dirty secrets of the pet food industry as I do so this is why I must make sure they are as nutritional as an all raw diet meal such as the meat, bone and organ. In a very large bowl, bucket or in your plugged kitchen sink, crush the cooled hard boiled eggs (and shells) into small pieces. On this page you can find user-submitted home remedies to treat heart murmurs. Can you substitute game meat for the ground beef. Thius is such great info you are providing. How can I help her with the eating of grass as she seems to know her diet is deficient in something. I think it will be fine frozen for a year. It was possible to double the chicken and feed 60 to 80 pounds per day but I could not afford it. The white rice makes the transition from kibble to homemade dog food easier on the dog and owner. You can add Supromega fish oil and get many of the benefits. Now, if you new the kibble is what caused the problem, then I would immediately change food. I would make sure you follow the introductory method outlined to limit digestive upset. Each recipe has a link to the supplements and you can check out the prices at that site. You may be able to skip the fast without digestive upset. He is about 5-10 lbs overweight, could you give me serving recommendations for him. The meat is usually chicken thighs, organic hamburger, turkey, eggs, mackrel, sardines, salmon or tuna. Fast your dogs for 24 hours to help settle their digestive system. You can feed the easy cooked dog food recipe to limit this issue. I have an 8 month old GSD and he was having loose stools contantly on several high end kibble foods. Also, do you think it will be ok to totally switch him after the surgery to this diet (he is on dry kibble from Blue Buffalo currently). Kibble expands after eating and this is part of the problem. However grinding them u and mixing them with the ground meat works great. The cost is much less than the pre-made and is just as good. I think the yeast starvation dog food is a good idea for your boxer. Are you saying the risk of contamination to the kids out weighs that benefit. We now think he is in the beginning stages of Cushings. I think bones are more important than organ meat but that is my personal experience. I will be posting more advanced recipes in the future. Hi, what an excellent site, thank you so much for sharing this. The supplements I recommend are much more than just a multi-vitamin, so no. Also, since I have 2 dogs that will be on this diet can I add cauliflower, green beans and broccoli to this just to give it some more substance. Would it be ok to mix a tube of dinovite liquid in the raw meat mixture prior to freezing rather than using the daily supplements. Thank you. beagle. She has done very well, is very healthy and energetic, and at a great weight. Feeding a dog in this manner tends to lead to digestive upset. He ate all fine however 10 min later it all came back up:( the wing was chewed except for some fat skin piece) the pumpkin also was out. The ground meat is about 20 cups, a few cups of ground eggs, 10 or 15 cups of rice. If your other dog does not have skin issues add some cooked rice to his food. A friend of mine suggested a raw food diet. Ever since the scare with dog food im not comfortable and wanted solutions. Click here to view the raw dog food recipe. ). I am referring to your homemade raw diet formula 10 lbs meat, 10 cups rice, 18 hard boiled egg, dinovite and licks chops. Is there a reason you prefer egg shells instead of including bone. My dogs are loving the food, but I did not realize it would be so expensive to keep up with each month. My dogs love Nubonubs dog treats and they are healthy. Just wondering what you recommend for a Great Dane pup. I would offer her the food if she does not eat take it up and put it in the refrigerator. Hard to beat her to the bits of edibles she finds on our walks. Is there any harm in freezing the food longer than 2-3 days. Without a biopsy (which I oppose) they only know that it is not cancer. Hi Ed, I have just discovered your website while looking up info for our new chihuahua puppy. I you think he will be fine then just cut way back on his first couple meals. And the only good thats come from commercial dog food is that my boy dogs dont look like bags of bones anymore, for the most part their hips are covered. Freezing a large quantity to save time is great. Try feeding the easy cooked dog food recipe. You can do what you suggest, I think it will be fine. You can adjust the serving size up or down accordingly. A raw meat based dog food with bone will be great for your mastiffs. So I have been trying other food options with no luck. We have started to feed him your homemade receipe and he is just as energetic as ever. He has developed arthritis in his hips and recently black spots, one the size of a half dollar on his back. Raw dog food is easily digested and very nutritious for your dog. how much should I feed her per day. This reaction caused me to explore his dog food (Iams) I found so much info on the dangers of kibble. Also it sounds like you are moving in the right direction. Feed my dogs and store the unused raw dog food in my refrigerator. So a raw diet may not be an option due to expense and lack of time. One day I came home and walked in the door. It is an option for someone with multiply dogs. I have a questions concerning the raw diet and the use of your products. Then feed lean meats and try hard boiled eggs with the shells. Then if you see she is having a digestive issue you can make an adjustment. I have a 9 month old boxer, with persistent diarrhea. Yes, use a whole tube of Dinovite Liquid and a whole tube of Lickochops per recipe. No, diatomaceous earth is mostly amorphous silica and trace minerals. She seems to do okay on Salmon and Lamb, but we have never tried beef. I was also under the impression that brown rice is better for them then white rice. I noticed your raw recipe online is boneless. of LickOchops omega fatty acid Supplement (1tube). We were actually considering going back to commercial dog food since this is so much work. I was searching for homemade foods when I found your site. I also give pumpkin, sweet potatoes, reg potatoes. Should I go to once a day or is still to young for that. We feed an 80-10-10 ratio. I recommend cooked eggs with the egg shells for added calcium. The price is usually comparable to a mid range kibble. I crush them by hand fairly fine so they mix well with them meat. I have a pitbull need some good food 4 him to eat thank you. You have a lot of information and great advice. They love yogurt and it is a way for me to use up my milk as it is getting older. I just ordered my supplements (per your recommendation). I am keen to try the easy raw food recipe. She does well no diarrhea and eats well on Hills ID gastrointestinal diet, but it is far too expensive to feed her on a long term basis. I saw a few questions asking what the cost would be, I myself was curious so I did some research and number crunching. It is fine to use the powdered Dinovite with these dog food recipes. The vets looked at them and they were both healthy, but just skinny. I am going to add one of the supplements in that you reccomend. He has only been on the diet for about 4 days now so hard to tell if he is gaining any weight. The raw food can help with bloat because it shrinks after eating. All while at the same time we have a 5yr old female that eats Holistic Select and has absolutely NO problems at all. You can offer raw meaty bone for you dog to chew. I had thought the cooking the beef mixure was the answer but this morning I gave him a cup of pumkin to help with his diareah and his raw chicken wing. I never have anything edible last in my house. Is there a particular type of meat you recommend. He is loosing weight, as he is a lean bread already, and I am getting nervous. They do not get pasta, white rice, corn, breads or junk food. Thank you, I did check the vitamines and your right they are not too expensive especially if you factor in a healthy dog with no vet visits. You say to freeze 2-3 days worth of meals in your recipe. Lots of questions I know, but I have 10 pets and want to do the best for all of them. For your puppy I would use the large dog size supplement. I hope to have the video and pictures posted by Friday. Dog food recipes with organ meat and bones but keep in mind most people will never ever feed them to their dogs. If you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Take the easy raw dog food recipe and cook it. I have 3 dogs, a 3 lb chihuahua, a mix breed 3 month old puppy, and a 6 yr old Jack Russell. I posted the easy cooked dog food recipe. She was wagging her tail doing her little dance and barking as usual and then suddenly she collapsed to floor. His skin is horrible and ears get so inflamed. She absolutely loves the chicken rice diet but I am concerned with her not getting some vital nutrients. My question are I have a new Shitzu puppy that is 7 weeks old when is it ok to feed him homemade dog food. Stay away from raw fish like salmon because the flesh can contain liver flukes. I have shot some other recipes that include bones and will post them soon. Dogs love either and they are very nutritious. I added them in the easy raw food recipe. Cooked white rice that I added chicken fat to while it cooked. Some people will never feed bones to their dogs. I have a one year old Portuguese Water Dog. I buy my ground beef by the ten pound tube from Kroger. When adding the LickOChops Supplement, if I add the entire tube when preparing a 48 cup batch, is it still neccessary to add it to daily portions. I am going to use the fold and lock sandwich bags in 2 cup portions. You have to understand some people will NEVER feed organ meat or bones to their dog. I would grind up the bones for some of the puppies and small dogs. We live in Malaysia and a problem we have is not being able to obtain Dinovite and Lickochops locally. The eggs are cooked so the enzyme that prevent biotin absorption is destroyed. I stay in India and I am not able to get the suppliments that you mentioned. I have 1 more dog that I am feeding separately a prescription dog food because she is diabetic. The vet thought his intestines may not absorbing water properly (he was a parvo puppy and survived after hospitalization) and recommended a prescription diet. You can view the raw dog food recipe by clicking here. Also, I forgot to ask how long I can leave the raw dog food out. She was in distress, her gums turned white and she felt cold. Hi, I have been feeding my young 16 month Schnauzer a truly vegetarian diet, all raw vegetable and raw meat, mostly lamb. And how long does the raw food stay good for in the freezer. He was lathargic and had no energy for playtime with the commercial foods. So if your dog has a zinc deficiency then this zinc will help. What is the truth about hard, kibble type food versus soft meaty foods. I am going to try this recepie for my 5yr old English bulldog. I would recommend using the recipe as presented. Right now we feed him twice a day, 1. My wife and I are owners of a K9 facility in central Indiana. Looking forward to reading more on your site. One other question I have read feeding a whole raw chicken bone in is safe for. I did so last night for his dinner and so far he seems to have digested it ok. Do you currently have a raw recipe for cats. Thank you Ed, for all you do and providing this helpful resource. I would like to just add it all when I make it if that is possible. Earth Clinic readers have suggested the use of a number of diet supplements such as milk thistle, krill oil, D-ribose, L-arginine, ester-C, magnesium, and carnitine to remedy heart murmurs in pets. Do the antibiotics in non-organic ground beef effect dogs or can I just buy the 10 pound tubes from Costco. My 10 year old boxer licks his feet constantly so I have started him on the starvation yeast diet, however I am cooking the beef. J have a 6 year old, overweight Shih tzu. I called the vet and they said that if he is drinking and not vomiting he is probably just being picky. I was thinking of not using kibble anymore and possibly going with raw meat when I found your site. The only difference is when I am feeding raw meat and bones. As per the feeding guide he should get 3 cups a day. I do this with ground beef and they stack nicely in the freezer and without getting freezer burn. I am wondering why you mix cooked and raw foods. I can see the difference in our schnausers teeth and super soft hair.

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